Unofficial Guides
Every guide for the game here created by the community members and moderators. There will be missing information in places where data has not been gathered.
There are many buildings in the game, here you will find all the details about every building as well as their requirements and...
Clan & Region
Clans and the Region Chief play a vital role in the game; you can say that without clans you cannot do anything. The clan syste...
Combat, Vehicles, Pets & Survivors
Everything you need to know regarding the performance of your Troops, Vehicles, Pets and Survivors, both Development and Combat.
Most events don't get tonnes of information from Official Guides, so here you will find a lot more breakdowns into how the even...
Research is important. Here you will find all gathered intel on the research including requirements, resources and items needed.
Other Stuff
This is content that doesn't quite fit anywhere else, but it's some-what useful information to have at a glance.